As a new Website owner, I am just getting my feet wet with web authoring.

This site is meant to give people a place to easily find the information they are seeking and get the help they are looking for.

I do not intend to gouge people for the sake of funding my years' of study. The important issue is your health and well-being. I will not hold anyone captive by thier difficulties due to lack of funds.

Good word of mouth advertising or a reasonable donation/offering can be sufficient for those who are in difficult times with little or no means to afford help.

My dedication to helping others is a passion and perhaps a calling. It is not unusual for a first session to last from 2 to even 4 hours. The fee remains the same and the dedication and determination to help you remain consistent.

I look forward to meeting many beautiful people who deserve the help they ask for.

Medication does have it's place in the healing process at times, but often I am seeing an over use of medications as a quick cover-up and money maker in this world run by huge pharmaceutical corporations.

The news stories are abundant with such fraudulent misuse of our population.

I invite you to take a look at what "hypnosis" can provide in the name of natural healing.


David Bellis
CHt / Reiki Master