Showing category "From the desk of A Healing Edge" (Show all posts)

A new level of awareness

Posted by David Bellis on Wednesday, March 1, 2017, In : From the desk of A Healing Edge 
It's been a while since I have written on my blog. My apologies.
It seems that we have moved into a new awareness. There seems to be a lot fewer people seeking traditional help such as is offered on my website. This is a good thing. It may not be great news for the practitioners who rely on clients to help earn a living, but I see it a a move in the right direction. People somehow are realizing that the power of healing is within. Of course there are times when it is difficult to see inside ou...
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Operation Terra

Posted by David Bellis on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, In : From the desk of A Healing Edge 
As you have probably noticed, positive people and things are getting MORE positive, and negative things seem to be getting MORE negative.

I was recently directed to a website which explains this and much more. I wou ldlike to offer this link to you and ask that you read it with an open mind and consider : "what if this IS true?" 

All I can say is that for those who are of a more positive nature it rings of good news. By following the thoughts in the messages one could only exhibit a postivity...
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Posted by David Bellis on Thursday, December 31, 2009, In : From the desk of A Healing Edge 
On the doorstep of 2010, I am passing on 3 messages:

a.      Be who you are. That’s all!

b.      You have to walk your own unique path.

c.       When old certainties fade away you will know that you are on the right pathway.

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What's New at A Healing Edge?

Posted by David Bellis on Thursday, December 31, 2009, In : From the desk of A Healing Edge 

As a new Website owner, I am just getting my feet wet with web authoring.

This site is meant to give people a place to easily find the information they are seeking and get the help they are looking for.

I do not intend to gouge people for the sake of funding my years' of study. The important issue is your health and well-being. I will not hold anyone captive by thier difficulties due to lack of funds.

Good word of mouth advertising or a reasonable donation/offering can be sufficient for those ...

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About Me

David Bellis CHt / Reiki Master At the age of 16 I watched as a teacher and friend of mine demonstrated hypnosis on one of my fellow classmates. I was hooked. Fascinated by what had just occured, I began reading and studying Hypnosis. Within a year I had practiced with my friends at parties and gatherings. While reading between the lines of the do's and don'ts of Hypnosis I began to realize that there was more than just the spoken word at work here. Hypnosis was "voluntary" but "don't hypnotize yourself at the same time". WHY NOT? If I were to go "down" with the subject then stop at the point of control and at that "voluntary" level, could I send the subject even DEEPER down from there? YES. I was able to achieve what my teacher said was not possible. I believed that there was a mental/energetic connection between us all and later in life discovered this to be fact. My Reiki study proved this. I use a combination of traditional hypnosis and contemporary energy work to provde the best services I can to every client I see. Welcome to A Healing Edge. permit me to offer you that natural edge of health through the power of your own mind, the ultimate healer within all of us.
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